Surface Tension, Viscosity, and Capillary Action | Gen. Chem With Dr. J Jeanita Pritchett 6:54 4 years ago 905 Далее Скачать
Viscosity, Cohesive and Adhesive Forces, Surface Tension, and Capillary Action Professor Dave Explains 10:11 5 years ago 572 805 Далее Скачать
Surface Tension, Capillary Action, and Viscosity | Chem | Video Textbooks - Preview JoVE For High Schools 0:23 1 year ago 108 Далее Скачать
S10E3 - The Liquid State: Surface Tension, Capillary Action, and Viscosity ChemistryNotes Videos 10:26 3 years ago 263 Далее Скачать
Surface Tension of Water, Capillary Action, Cohesive and Adhesive Forces - Work & Potential Energy The Organic Chemistry Tutor 12:54 7 years ago 233 750 Далее Скачать
CHEMISTRY 101 - Effects of intermolecular forces on surface tension, viscosity, and capillary action Matthew Gerner 2:27 7 years ago 7 733 Далее Скачать
Surface tension, viscosity, and capillary action explained. Adhesive and cohesive forces Visual Learners 10:56 4 years ago 367 Далее Скачать
Intermolecular Forces Trends: Melting & Boiling Point, Viscosity, Surface Tension, Vapor Pressure Conquer Chemistry 2:51 3 years ago 55 102 Далее Скачать
Surface Tension, Viscosity and Capillary Action Amanda Joy Holton 4:44 8 years ago 9 861 Далее Скачать
Surface Tension - What is it, how does it form, what properties does it impart Crash Chemistry Academy 3:11 6 years ago 611 297 Далее Скачать
Solid_Liquid 3 Surface Tension, Viscosity, Capillary Action Physical Chemistry (PChem) 14:29 4 years ago 98 Далее Скачать
Chemistry - Liquids and Solids (10 of 59) Surface Tension (Basics) Michel van Biezen 4:05 10 years ago 10 901 Далее Скачать
Surface Tension and Adhesion | Fluids | Physics | Khan Academy khanacademymedicine 6:38 10 years ago 746 239 Далее Скачать
Surface tension | States of matter and intermolecular forces | Chemistry | Khan Academy Khan Academy 4:30 9 years ago 406 907 Далее Скачать
Capillarity and Surface Tension | Surface Tension | Physics KClassScienceChannel 1:48 10 years ago 392 208 Далее Скачать
Surface tension and capillary action | Intermolecular Forces | meriSTEM meriSTEM Education 3:21 4 years ago 287 Далее Скачать